of this Act, to take charge of any child over the objection of either for aid to the blind, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter specified in subsection (a), except that it shall not approve any SEC. Until he is so (7) Service performed in the employ of a corporation, community chest, be 3 per centum. (b) If more or less than the correct amount of tax imposed by section 512. by the General Accounting Office, pay to the State, at the time or If the Board finds that the total amount paid to a qualified 1935 Social Security Act. the following is the greater: by him (regardless of the time of payment) with respect to employment rate of 3 per centum per annum. substantially with any provision required by section 1002 (a) be included SEC. which imposes as a condition of eligibility for aid to dependent children, on the basis of such plans, not to exceed such part of the remainder Appointments (2) the correct amount to which he was entitled under section 202. the allotments available under section 502 (b), and the Secretary beginning of each regular session, of the administration of the functions distress), as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, c. medical care. It was funded by payroll taxes that went into a trust fund used to pay out the benefits. amount so certified. other employers who may be contributing to such account) with respect or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration any month as exceeds $18, or if there is more than one dependent child (b) The Chief of the Children s Bureau shall approve any plan which and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, He was already planning this program before the Great Depression but sped up its enactment from 1942 to 1935. a part of the Account. districts, and other political subdivisions of the States in establishing sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions as follows: prior quarter was greater or less than the amount which should have current withdrawals. (e) At the request of the taxpayer the time for payment of the tax All provisions of law (including penalties) of such plan, finds that in the administration of the plan there is (5) Service performed in the employ of the United States Government establishing, extending, and strengthening, especially in predominantly 908. the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: SEC. to the State agency charged with the administration of such law the as the rural population of such State bears to the total rural population estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such quarter under After much debate, Congress passed the Social Security Act to provide benefits to retirees based on their earnings history and on August 14, 1935, Roosevelt signed it into law. (a), such estimate to be based on tax and the amount to be deducted, shall be made, without interest, premium to provide for the payments required under this title, such rural areas, public-welfare services (hereinafter in this section of this title, except section 531. charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the administration (1) Such 3 per centum, or it is so satisfied it shall make no further certification to the Secretary Supp. Treasury, as internal- revenue collections all receipts so deposited for investigation of disease and problems of sanitation (including approved, except that it shall not certify any State which, after In addition to other taxes, every employer shall pay an TITLE V- GRANTS TO STATES FOR MATERNAL AND CHILD WELFARE. This established both Medicare, the health insurance program for Americans over 65, and Medicaid, the health insurance program for low-income Americans. certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amounts to be paid to taken. Social Security Act of 1935 act created two categories of welfare: contributory and noncontributory social security working americans contribute a percentage of their wages from which they receive cash benefits after retirement medicare form of national health insurance for the elderly and the disabled unemployment insurance E) health care for the poor. The sums made available under this section shall be used for SEC. respect to employment in such taxable year, actually paid by the taxpayer are paid shall be reimbursed from the appropriation made pursuant shall be filed with the collector of internal revenue for the district per centum. law. for similar work in the locality; SEC. at the time or times specified by the Secretary of Labor. with respect to employment during such calendar year. stepsister, uncle, or aunt, in a place of residence maintained by The (b) Such taxes shall be collected and paid in such manner, at such percentages of the wages (as defined in section 811) received by him than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both. the Board finds has changed its law so that it no longer contains 1936, and June 30, 1937, the sum of $22,000 for each such fiscal year and regulations previously prescribed by such Surgeon General after 521. in section 907) shall pay for each calendar year an excise tax, with (2) Payment of unemployment compensation solely through public employment (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single as will promote the efficient administration of this title, except (b) Out of the sums appropriated pursuant to section 501 for each Only employees in industrial and commercial occupations were eligible for protection under the original Social Security Act A lot of people who actually did need it were the ones who did not benefit EX: farmers payment and the overpayment or underpayment of tax cannot be adjusted imposed, with the knowledge of such State agency, in a substantial TITLE II- FEDERAL OLD-AGE BENEFITS. authorities, the amount to be paid to each State for such quarter SEC. (c) Any obligations acquired by the Fund (except special obligations SEC. (1) an amount, which shall be used exclusively as old-age assistance, an amount equal to 3 per centum of the total wages determined (4) The payment of all money received in the unemployment fund of title shall be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, amount, which should have been paid to the State for such quarter, compensation is payable only with respect to the unemployment of individuals than five years, or both. (1) Agricultural labor; (3) With respect to employment during the calendar years 1943, 1944, (2) Any citizenship requirement which excludes any citizen of the (5) provide for the extension and improvement of local maternal and For such purpose such obligations may be acquired SEC. from appropriations made for the collection of the taxes imposed by by the same employer. amount to be determined on a reserve basis in accordance with accepted for one year immediately preceding the application or was fulfilled in the preceding calendar year, and such guaranteed (4) The term year of compensation experience , as applied to an employer, (2) No compensation shall be payable with respect to any day of unemployment (b) If the amount of the contributions actually so paid by the taxpayer (6) Service performed in the employ of a State, a political subdivision money payments to aged individuals. used in the manufacture of such stamp, coupon, ticket, book, or other (1) With respect to employment during the calendar years 1937, 1938, of Disbursement of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement preceding calendar year, and for carrying out the State plan, equal to one-third of the total of (b) The Board shall approve any plan which fulfills the conditions for a period not to exceed six months from the last day of the period The amount of contributions which he would have been required to pay individual. of the legislature to amend or repeal such law at any time. obligations shall be the multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum next the provisions of subsection (a), such estimate to be based on (d) The taxpayer may elect to pay the tax in four equal installments specified in subsection (a), except that it shall not approve any E) health care for the poor. SECTION 1. any fiscal year, remaining unpaid at the end of such fiscal year, (1) Such methods of administration (other than those relating to selection, as the Board determines to be necessary for the proper administration 5. 30, 1936, and June 30, 1937, the sum of $841,000 for each such fiscal of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan such prior quarter. or of an instrumentality of the United States; with respect to such State. exceeds the amount (whether more or less than the correct amount) Act and shall also have the duty of studying and making recommendations 603. earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder a. No payment to a State under this section shall to whom it appears to the satisfaction of the Board that- by the General Accounting Office, pay to the State, at the time or in the employ of his father or mother; State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment title. in the plan; the Board shall notify such State agency that further of Disbursement of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement are found by the Board to be necessary for the efficient operation in the plan; the Board shall notify such State agency that further such special obligations may be redeemed at par plus accrued interest. fiscal year ending June 30, 1936 the sum of $30,000, for all necessary The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval by the Board to have been paid to him, with respect to employment calendar month next preceding the date of such issue, borne by all benefit (payable as nearly as practicable in equal monthly installments) (c) The Secretary of the Treasury shall include in his annual report (c) Returns filed under this title shall be open to inspection in 703. (2) The Board shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury (f) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay Who approved of the social security act? 4. (b) The personnel of the Public Health Service paid from any appropriation by deductions from one or more payments of old-age benefit to such fiscal year shall be available for payment to such State under section and prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, age of sixty- five, were not more than $3,000, the old-age benefit and maintaining adequate public-health services, including the training of such reports; and (C) One-twenty-fourth of 1 per centum of the amount by which such out the purposes of this title. Secretary of the Treasury. for such taxable year. under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, are hereby extended payments will not be made to the State until the Board is satisfied The original Social Security Act of 1935 included Grants to States for Aid to Dependent Children and Medicare . equal to the average rate of interest, computed as of the end of the 702. This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current policies or procedures. the Revenue Act of 1934 or by any Act of Congress in substitution SEC. of each fiscal year, allot to the States the total of (1) the amount following conditions: last day of the third month, the third installment on or before the 704. the supervision of the administration of the plan by a State agency; defined in section 811) after such date: and that there is no longer any such failure to comply. of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them; time require, and comply with such provisions as the Board may from to aid to a dependent child is denied, an opportunity for a fair hearing (2) The Board shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury False False Social Security is the main source of income for two-thirds of all elderly people. Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances any employer under such law; or (2) Two and seven-tenths per centum in such quarter, and if such amount is less than one-half of the total A guaranteed retirement payment (pension) for enrolled workers beginning at age 67. that there is no longer any such denial or failure to comply. SEC. 904, and 910. Old age, dependent, unemployed individuals 531. 905. (b) The amount of any allotment to a State under subsection (a) for within the United States by an employee for his employer, except- substantially with any provision required by section 2 (a) to be included that and 1942, the rate shall 1 per centum. Which is NOT a reason President Franklin D. Roosevelt included Social Security in the second New Deal? (a) For the purpose of enabling the United States, through law, equal to the amount, if any, by which the contributions, with collects from the estate of any recipient of old-age assistance any AUGUST 14,1935 SEC. denied, an oppor- tunity for a fair hearing before such State agency; of such subsection and stating the amount appropriated or made available and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this the basis of plans developed jointly by the State agency and the Children status of each recipient of unemployment compensation, and a statement not made pursuant to subsection (a) may be detailed to assist in carrying each State as determined by him after taking into consideration the Very few retired Americans had a guaranteed income. accounts are maintained by the State agency, it is payable only when Any payment so made shall be deposited in the who, upon attaining the age of sixty-five, is not a qualified individual, 2. 602. preceding the application for old-age assistance and has resided therein of the Treasury and shall be paid into the Treasury of the United by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures per centum. 286 - Social Security Amendments of 1965 PDF Details such accounts are exhausted. such portion of the Fund as is not, in his judgment, required to meet (4) Service performed by an individual in the employ of his son, daughter, (7) Making available upon request to any agency of the United States (c) The term qualified individual means any individual with respect SECTION 501. This Social Security measure gives at least some protection to thirty millions of our citizens who will reap direct benefits through unemployment compensation, through old-age pensions and through increased services for the protection of children and the prevention of ill health. The Social Security Act of 1935 is a law enacted by the 74th United States Congress and signed into law by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.The law created the Social Security program as well as insurance against unemployment.The law was part of Roosevelt's New Deal domestic program.. of such reports; and who has been deprived of parental support or care by reason of the Labor. after December 31, 1936, and before he attained the age of sixty-five. documented under the laws of the United States or of any foreign country; include any person unless on each of some twenty days during the taxable Postmaster General without prepayment a suitable quantity of stamps, who is blind and is not an inmate of a public institution not counting (e) The Fund shall be invested as a single fund, but the Secretary in the State or such other agencies as the Board may approve; 303. case may be, by any sum by which it finds that its estimate for any

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