npr voices annoying

Politician: Look, we in my state believe that those people working in the aerospace industry are important. look something like.. this. I see and hear it every dingle day and never heard a man do it. Kind of (or sort of) This tidbit is used anywhere in the middle, as a way to not say what you really mean. So what if someone tags right at the end of their sentence? I even contacted a renowned acting school. Their whole speach pattern changes. Does anyone out there have any thoughts on any possible geographic relationship? Button, mountains Stoooop with the glottal stop! Who started that? I also loathe when people pronounce nuclear as nucular. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thats a very strange one. So. 3) saying een for ingas in goeen or stayeen for going or coming You should receive an employer of the year award. Are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought???? I hear this a lot in conversation these days too. If I.could. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. And when reporters and hosts deviate from that supposed standard, our office hears about it. or common mispronunciation: Realtor, not Real a tor. You asked your readers what we would like for you to include in your next video. NPR= National Propaganda Radio Taxpayers should demand their hard earned dollars not be spent on this Lefty Commie Drivel. The Public Editor has examined concerns about pronunciation and accents, but for the most part, our office hasn't addressed complaints about how NPR reporters and hosts speak and sound. Linguists usually refer to it as creaky voice. So creaking is a reasonable thing to call it. Agreed, Debbie! Though Sanders, of It's Been a Minute, has heard from listeners that he and his panelists use "like" too much, he thinks it's indicative of a good conversation. A new one Ive just started noticing on a local radio interview, and from my husband (ugh) is accentuating the word to and a pause. She helps people who find they sound monotone, sing-songy or low-energy. I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. Really finished yet?). p.s. There are so many more. This is teh dropping of the letter g at the end of ing words, ie: singin goin droppin etc. Most examples have been covered here. Uptalk or up speak are newer terms for ARI or Australian Rising Inflection which I am told is where it began. Further, it seems that engaging in these practices seems to indicate a greater authenticity for Gen Z and Millennials. Heres another verbal habit thats annoyed me to the point of pounding the wall. "If you sound like America, then it's America that's talking. Good English dictates brevity as a virtue; much, is redundant here. Youre not crotchety. Hi Debbie and those commenting, all of whom I can identify with wholeheartedly. But then apparently its me whos the grumpy old man with a problem, when I correct my kids in their use of basic English grammar. A proper use example is: Parenting is an awesome responsibility. Remember this rant next time you hear Were all in this together blah blah blah., By the way Im not real keen on the use of repurpose or deconstruct.. And then those styles get copied and go viral and pretty soon you hear it everywhere. and our Uptalk is the new wave sweeping the youth, like wearing tights and having tattoos all over your arm. We all have a few annoying speech/writing habits.). I hope they will include this in the next videos. I dont consider it thoughtful because the next word follows immediately. No. Sadly, we all need to bite our tongues. I meant in first person plural. [sheepish grin], Lets not forget the verbal infestation known as seriously. Clearly, it morphed perhaps by laziness from Are you serious [about]?, 1) I call it the shopping list speech pattern: I went to the store and bought some EGGS.. got some MILK and some BACON Alternatively, or also, it could be an attempt to inject artificial emphasis to Every.Single.Word. The point is not worth discussing because of what was just said. If you pronounce the T (soft or hard) in button, youll get some strange glances, because literally no one here pronounces it that way. Since I watch a lot of network tv, I hear this and other abominations on commercials, especially. every word. And yes they sound condescending. I mean, hello! But even more bothersome is the growing ubiquity of Thank you having me in response to a host or interviewer saying Thank you to a guest at the end of a segment, or even in response to Thank you for joining us at the beginning of their conversation. For example youre not just happy to be here today youre SUPER happy. Its super annoying. Corollary: being excited about even the most routine, long-anticipated events, such as the press release I saw last week about a new software upgrade that the developer was super excited to announce. That was actually in the written press release. In addition, Ayesha is really the smartest and most inspiring reporter in Washington D.C. and speaks with an African-American Vernacular English accent while reporting. Ultimately, I realized that it is deeply right to have many different voices reporting on the powerful.". As a result, many teachers stopped teaching it. He would call us out too. Fabulous opinions everybody: a terrific discussion! Guest (author/pundit/wannabe politician): Sure, so, moving forward, we obviously want to first see what reopening would look like, then secure the strategic infrastructure to sort of make that happen in this space (apparent reference to safe space). Young women of all nationalities reporting from the most secluded parts of the world use these odd tones, rhythms and inflections. thanks Rebecca for chiming in with your comment from your perspective as an educator/coach. Ive noticed an increase in the pronunciation of to as tyoo but it seems more frequent when the speakerthey seem to be mostly femaleelongates the word, perhaps suggesting that its said when the speaker is having a moment of reflection or being pensive; that it is becoming universal on television news and commentary is undeniableand is becoming an annoyance, These are probably the same girls that used to (or possibly still do ) say things like stop itah!! And, like a highly contagious virus, it is possible that by simply reading this post, you too will become afflicted! Now its bad enough that nine times out of ten, the politician decides to answer some other question that (s)he deems more appealing. And, for the sake of diplomacy, keeping the peace, or not wanting to appear to be snobbish or hurtful, we have simply stopped giving each other constructive criticism regarding our flaws. I cant stand to hear it, like nails on a chalkboard young ladies, please correct yourselves!!! Im only 40 but I feel like a rambling old person yelling at the TV any time I watch it. This usually entails drawn out words: Sooosomething reeeaally horrrribllllle happened todaaayyyy I broke my cat candlllllle.. (Pout face). Is there a name for this type of speaking? Great discussion! You know what I mean? Though, not usually in a professional setting. Not up-talk exactly, as in ending every sentence as if it were a question, but more when people are listing things that are maybe a little tedious. This Americanism was adopted by upper-crust young Englishmen in the 1920s who imagined it made them sound cosmopolitan. Initially I read your comment as a knock on the Canadian pronunciation of sorry. Im glad to discover I am not alone. Perhaps I need to pay more attention to the bungled up speech patterns that are in use. Thanks for your comment! Epic, etc. Now that Im working remotely full-time, I have become acutely aware of speech patterns of the people I work with! Yes, I found this site while searching for Stephen Dubner annoying speech pattern. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. Ive forgone many a great podcast topic due to vocal fry or overuse of right. So many things about schooling have been grating AND concerning me for quite a while! Did college professors never say.hey, thats annoying and unprofessional? Hello Baz, and thank you so much for being so detailed in your descriptions of your total annoyance with these speech trends. No more of that!!! Yes indeed, these annoying trends are now common to stupid people the world over believe me, mainly most likely due to easier access to media such as world news media, social media, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, self obsessed attention seeking wannabe famous so called influencers, etc. Were all in this together. Uh, no we are not. I was about to write a comment concerning the misuse of me and I when I read yours. She found that people over 40 heard the utterance without any creak as more authoritative, while people under 40 found both clips authoritative. I enjoyed reading them and replying as well. I want it to stop, NOW! Its bazaar. And the speech pattern that led me to your page is the one Ive observed in the voice overs on virtually all home improvement shows. is a problem. i agree, it drives me insane , they sound like 4 year olds. I hear it all of the time especially as I live in a very affluent, lily white area. Vocal fry irritates the hell out of me! Another more recent pattern I hear most often by women is speaking in the low register of their voice. 3. ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. Chris Beck in his article in describes it best, "Michael Barbaro of the New York Times' The Daily podcast, sounds like he's in his death throes in the final two words of every sentence he speaks, and then he's able to miraculously revive himself instantly to begin the next one. You paying attention? OK. How about the recent clipping to the end of some words. Example.. Several years ago, feminist author Naomi Wolf suggested vocal fry among young women was causing them to "disown their own power.". They stay on one pitch primarily and then bounce up to the other pitch (note) on certain words, usually at the end of the sentence or at a comma if it were to be written out. My fifteen year old son frequently accuses me of picking on him for the way he speaks/writes. If I were grading you, your report would get, at best, a C-," the listener from Missouri concluded. The spaces are inappropriate and create tension for the listener. Ive seen it theorized elsewhere that it began as an AAVE regional thing, cant remember which region, that just spread. It isnt just a curved exclamation point. Once you learn a second language its hard to speak it incorrectly. After Sanders and his panelists discussed a mysterious case of American diplomats in Cuba suffering from a possibly psychosomatic illness, listeners wrote that his tone had been too light-hearted for a serious subject. Producers, who listen while reporters record their scripts, are alert for issues with speed and clarity, and will ask reporters to try again if necessary. Great people, but, my goodness, that is a difficult accent for me. A reporter asks a politician something like, Do you support the bill before congress that blah, blah blah [whatever the details]. I want to shout at them all and saystop being sheep all of you, keep your individuality, its much more interesting, and real. The number one ear-bleeding one is shtraight down the shtreet there are theesh trees and a shtop shign. Lately, I have noticed by newscasters and others on TV the word expecially, which of course does not exist. "We ought to be able to hear all of that in the voices that the audience is hearing, whether that voice is the voice of somebody in a community somewhere in the middle of the country or that voice is the voice of a host or reporter for NPR. A study in 2014 found that although vocal fry, whether used by men or . Manhattan is apparently now Manhadden. I simply changed the channel on my tv. Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? Excellent analysis!!! I realize its really too early to be voting for Most Annoying for 2021, but this ones definitely been frosting my butt. FIGURATIVELY no one? Sheesh. Omg YES!! Over the past few decades we have grown more to accept/tolerate each others personal shortcomings in professional places. I seem to see/hear it all the time nowadays, normally just after someone has clearly explained the facts around something, but the person reading/hearing it feels the need to demand the person giving out the information to Wait! so they can then ask them What?, as though what theyve just heard is complete nonsense, simply because they havent, (or so it comes across), been able to comprehend it the first time around. The kids immediately say, I cant read cursive. I think its an attempt to sound more confident, self-assured and forceful. They must be changed Out. Shes also picked up on all the popular, irritating ways of speaking. Unlike appearing simply one of the collective in using URGE, ENCOURAGE and SUGGEST which is a translation in beta male language, because we hate patriarchies, especially white ones, we can with ABSOLUTELY step past that level of making an indicator by laying the hammer on the anvil. Im not an imbecile who is unable to follow a connected train if thought! Yeah, naa, yeah is, similar to the Yeah, nowait, what?. Where did that come from?? On those rare occasions when I hear an interview with someone who is profoundly lacking all of these five patterns, it is such a breath of fresh air! I hear these daily with the younger crowd at work, and it has become an epidemic, catching on with even older folks. But those persons might find it hard to get a high-paying job. And the horrible grammar: Her and I. I have a small business and refuse to hire anyone who speaks like anyone described in the article or these annoying ways of speaking. I first noticed it when Joanna Gains talked and now I notice it everywhere. That drives me INSANE!!!! How do these people even get the job? It was the most annoying thing I had ever heard. Its not cute. I now hear little girls copying their mums, speaking in vocal fry, and thats sad. I notice my three year old great-grandson now says I really miss you guys when he used to just say I miss you., Some other annoying trends are 1) super, totally and uber for very In fact, theres a show on HBO where EVERY lady character has a speech impediment. Has anyone experienced this verbal hostage taking? Ive been studying this intonation for a while (this is the first place Ive found it even being acknowledged), its so common. Meowing. Thank you, Debbie! Literally?! Recently I have noticed what I call the Consonant Drag where the speaker is explaining something and they drag the consonants as if to give them space to think it out. But instead it sounds like I went to the STOre, then the gas STAtion, and then got something to EAT.. And what about people now pronouncing the t in often? A major part of the Biden plan is to sort of prioritize pandemic assistance. OMG! Sad, but true. an unconscious parroting of other pundits? Theres no k sound in the word, yet many people want to pronounce it as though there is. Have I become a crotchety old fart or is Idiocracy truly upon us? I understand some countries use to instead of from, and I dont know if thats longstanding or new. The latter pronunciations of each drive me nuts. My current pet hate is the need for the speaker to promise to tell the truth as in To be honest, or Im not gonna lie, and then proceeds to reveal some piece of bland trivia! Do TV news announcers take classes in speaking this way? After she appeared live on Morning Edition for the first time, she received a detailed email from a listener, urging her to stop using filler words. To add to the I mean, is .I feel like, I have the pleasure of working with some folks that include these in every single spoken sentence. Its bad enough to hear it in speech but I recently received an email that began with these words. Is this really a new trend? The Kardashions, though not typical, offer a great example of many of these trending patterns. Yes, I have an accent, but I use proper English as my model to imitate. Even interviews with people youd think would be trained to avoid patterns like these are using them. Reporters strive to sound clear and concise on air. He joins us. I am relieved to find this list because listening to NPR has become impossible. this article was originally conceived after listening to NPR and the annoying patterns heard by those that are supposed to be professional broadcasters. Right!? She suddenly realizes she slipped into AAVE for a few words because we were speaking casually. Or I mean, Im not lyin when I say And look, weyak, yak, yak.. Some time around the late 90s, early 2000s, it was taken off the graded subjects. And they do it a lot. Weirdos lol . On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. Its almost excusable (almost) to hear uptalk from an entry level early 20-something, however, Im really not sure how a middle aged VP becomes an uptalker. Keith Woods, NPR's vice president of newsroom training and diversity, told me that a variety of voices is one way to achieve greater journalistic truth. Any insight into where the hard G at the end of -ing is coming from? This listing or auctioneer way of speaking is an affectation from vlogs. its so, like, annoying, right? These are commentators, announcers, and reporters!! No one speaks like that in conversation and I find it both distracting and irritating. Sorrey and sorry. The 10th Ammendment says differently. For example, a word with almost any vowel (most commonly an a) is pronounced, instead of with the actual long or short vowel sound for that letter, with a somewhat nasal awww ie the schwa. Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. Its a virus spreading. ", Another listener from Minnesota wrote that "millennial correspondents" who speak with vocal fry "seems to counter NPR's high standards. Ive NO idea where it came from or why. Now that youve become painfully aware of my top five annoying speech patterns, please share your ownspeech pattern pet peeves. I am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying. James, The whiny and drawn-out words, how can I cite an example? And I give a slight nod to the d in Wednesday. 2) Adding Sh sound to words starting with ST, as mentioned in earlier comment. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. It is not good representation of the general population; especially the show where it is only women who have the speech impediments. This is what annoys me and I am a woman. All of this is from one person. Hey Bob this original post was inspired from listening to NPRso you are not alone in your observations or annoyances at the kind of speech patterns readily available on our airwaves. Is it to have a snippet of time before responding? All are irritating and to me, they pigeon-hole the speaker and come across as less intelligent and less confident than they realize or intend. In another, speakers with vocal fry received more votes in a hypothetical election. But journalists can sound clear without all sounding the same. NPR has always kept American dialects and accents out of their reporting, but Vally-Girl seems to be OK. This seems to be catching on, even by some senior respected news folks. Person 1: I went to a concert yesterday and it was very entertaining! Ive also noticed uptalk transcends position and demographics. type in this format, it. Ive heard narrators doing it on youtube videos. Theres another pronunciation of words that drive me to distractionor in this case I should say diSHtraction. Am I alone in this? I dont know nothing about that. . Also have you noticed that many reporters and tv personalities will repeat words over and over like that that that that,,,and, and, and and to to to to which is now ta ta ta ta (examplethey were going ta ta ta be there on Friday) etc. As a naturalized American citizen I am paying attention to my execution of sentences and the intonation. Anyone who wishes to sound like an idiot is well within his or her rights to do so. I find that contrary to the quality of education that many of us older folks received. 4) adding definately before every verb Im not ashamed to say that I have on frequent occasion shown these dim-witted types the door of my office immediately (usually upon hearing any hint of vocal fry, thats enough to do it), telling them to email me their query, which I then promptly delete without reading, and send them an auto-reply to that effect. She has taught throughout the Washington metropolitan area, including the Duke Ellington School of the Arts and American University. Should school lectures take place on the moon, or just remotely via satellite? Last week, Slate Lexicon Valley podcaster (and NPR On the Media host) Bob Garfield lamented a frightening tic invading American speech. I am a voice artist as well and I make SURE there is no creaks in my work! It grated on my ears. It wasnt just that the election campaign this year was ugly, right? Have a listen how many times you hear ABSOLUTELY on the tv. They are rampant in the South. Especially when hearing service providers use it after customers express thanks. Like many here, I listen to a good deal of NPR-ish broadcasts and podcasts. He has become hyper-sensitive to even the most polite criticism, and I blame this solely on our P.C. We do a lot of VO recording work with China in particular in teaching English to school children, and are careful to provide proper grammar and usage in that regard. I may be alone in this one lol, but i hate it. I am thankful for people like you, who are still standing for some standards in a young society that is so quick to discard and dismantle anything that seems to be inconvenient or in any way challenging to their accepted, and often sub-par standards. Can I just start by saying that two very annoying vocal trends that have reached us here in the UK / Northern Ireland in recent years are up speaking and vocal fry, which are bad enough on their own. And also have heard does that make sense? from one particular Millenial. I relate to it now as it is the absolutely worst thing ever and the commercial uses the cymbals to change it into some great thing, which it is not. Agreed, Paula. This collection would be much funnier if the written intro didnt include a sentence beginning I mean I have asked you not to do that! I say something, along the lines of, Thats one way to ensure I dont talk; you dont have to listen to me. Then, I walk away seething, and loathing him more and more. Im wondering if there is a name for a pattern Im noticing when people start listing bullet point details. These little speech micro trends seem to pop up every now and then, then fade away over time (thank God!). Perhaps Mr. Stein would be willing to hand over the reading honors to him. Nails on a chalkboard to me. Its not even super cute. Comments like that don't bother or surprise Fortir. Yep, that's right. OMG! I started listening to podcasts regularly in the past year and find that I really zero in on speech patterns since Im not distracted by how the speaker looks or moves. Im trying to find this info, too. For instance LAST becomes LOST. My god, every single female and some of the males end every sentence like its a question. Also the use of words kiddo and doggo. fer instead of for (are they hillbillies?!) Children these days arent even taught it anymore, and should they actually receive a hand-written note, they act as if they are translating some strange foreign sandscript language, to even try and read it. And so, yeah. We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. She is one of the favorite voices in the NPR. For example, I have to walk my doggggg, pick up the kidddds, and go grocery shoppinnnng. What comes to mind when you imagine an "NPR voice"? As mentioned in earlier comment to find this list because listening to NPR has become epidemic... Is, similar to the quality of education that many of these trending patterns on one page... Upper-Crust young Englishmen in the 1920s who imagined it made them sound cosmopolitan who find they sound,! We in my state believe that those people working in the 1920s who it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience of sentences and intonation. Because listening to NPR has always kept American dialects and accents out of their voice ], not. Is a name for a pattern im noticing when people pronounce nuclear as nucular podcast topic due vocal... I make SURE there is no creaks in my work speakers with vocal fry, and thats.. 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