norse pagan beard requirements

So, as a Norse Heathen, I find this whole thing upsetting. In 2017, the Defense Department expanded the number of faiths covered under religious exemptions to include atheists, agnostics, shaman, humanist and pagans. While the religious accommodation is pretty much set in stone for the soldiers career, it may be temporarily suspended if there is a threat of exposure to certain toxic agents which require all soldiers to be clean-shaven, and, because of the beard, the soldier is also barred from attending military schools with toxic agent training or being assigned to positions that require compliance with biological, chemical, or nuclear surety requirements. The importance of beards as a defining feature of Normenn is also very well expressed in medieval Norse laws, including Guta Lag (The Law of the Gotlanders). Paganism is not an ancient dead religion. Is there any evidence this Norse soldier doesn't acknowledge the god of the bible? i believe it is a welcome change to those like myself who never could please the brass even by shaving twice a day. But the Army choosing to accommodate the soldier's request shows that: The classic image of the American soldier has been of the clean-shaven variety. You might gravitate towards one artistic rendering of a God or another, but we don't mistake the rendering for the reality. It is something new and authorized, and you will always encounter people who do not like change. But, it also brings up the debate about trans people. Aside from Snorri and the Eddas, there are no other accounts of Loki. Because there are no tenants in Asatru. The words "religious accommodations "usually give a picture of a Abrahamic follower with a beard or a Sheik warrior with a beard and turban. The difference in Islam and Sikhism is that there is a specific Religious rather than social requirement. A soldier serving in Afghanistan with the Nevada Army Guard has been granted a religious accommodation to grow a beard in accordance with a Norse pagan faith that traces its origins to Scandinavia. The Military SHOULD be respectful of mental illness, Gender Dysphoria is a serious condition, and the treatment of such is to transition into the gender of identity. Succinctly, Norse Paganism is a polytheistic religion (multiple Gods) that is based on ancient beliefs and practices associated with the geographic area of Scandinavia. Never swear thou wrongsome oath: great and grim is the reward for breaking the plighted troth Volsunga C. 21. As the Gods are faithful in providing us the fruits of the bough, the vine and the earth, we can hope in Them giving us what we need to restore ourselves. Numerous references in Konungsbk Eddukva, the most sacred text in Norse culture and religion, actually reinforce the association between beards and masculinity as well as virtue. Proudly keeping the military connected since 1988. The Nevada Army Guard says Sgt. The Open Halls Project, an advocacy group for heathens serving in the military, sought to clarify any existing confusion in a 2017 post about beard exemptions. This is it really a religious question in so much as it is a legal question. This is often cited in restaurants or other companies with food preparation. We're all children of the same universe. The chaplain corps will work with any military member to aid them in a genuine pursuit of an accommodation, Joint Force State Chaplain Maj. Donald Crandell said. As Heathens and members of The Troth, we want to help people create fulfilling relationships with The Gods, the people in their lives and the world around them. No. Many Pagans today have beards, but this is a cultural rather than a religious phenomenon in exactly the same way it was in 10th century Europe. Observation Post articles reflect author observations or attempts at humor. 1 Samuel 21:13 So he disguised his sanity before them, and acted insanely in their hands, and scribbled on the doors of the gate, and let his saliva run down into his beard. I see it as a phase very similar to when the Army authorized the wear of black socks during the fitness test. No matter the religious requirements, the Army interpreted Hoppers request as genuine. It's also time for us to move forward and spend more time focused on our own relationship with God (or not), instead of worrying and persecuting others for what they believe, or don't. Home. Therefore was he called Most-Beard, and he was the noblest man on the island., Snorri was middling in height and somewhat slender, fair to look on, straight faced and light of hue, of yellow hair and red beard., Chapter 32Ulfar wagged his beard and handed him the sword and shield.. Saying "Odin has one eye" or "Thor has a red beard" aren't statements of fact. There are three problems with using this as evidence. Requirements for beards as a general practice? 325 Chestnut Street and that is How Racism Should be dealt with; in the Military and in our Communities Norse religion is not racially motivated. In fact, the beard is a religious symbol of Forn Sir or Heathenry as much as the kippot is a religious symbol of Judaism, or the beard and the pagri are a religious symbol of Sikhism. Read our article Paganism is on the Rise to learn how we are growing as a culture. They are no longer the sticklers for the rules they once were, and. Maybe your relationships aren't as fulfilling as you want. Guta Lag, the laws of Gotland in Sweden were also written over a century after the Christianisation, and reflect a heavily Christianised version of the older laws. We have faith that our Gods return "a gift for a gift" and that if we sacrifice to Them, They will return with a gift to us. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');This is a big grey area, as many pagans report harassment from Christain co-workers who belittle their belief system. Let's take a look at some of the arguments for both sides! As an employer, the US Military has been grappling with accommodating different religious groups in the armed forces. Employers must offer religious accommodations with regard to religious garb and grooming, as long as it does not cause undue hardship for the company. Copyright 1977 - 2023 Universal Life Church Ministries. The Nevada Army Guard's first religious accommodation waiver granted a Norse Pagan soldier permission to grow a beard. Then, in November 2018, Staff Sgt. While his beard blushed red for shame? Has a beard, no religious relevance. It is published by West Coast Publishing, a firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard. The U.S. Army granted a religious accommodation to a soldier for his "Heathen; Norse Pagan faith" to be able to grow a beard. Says Hallgerda "and so we will call you always from this day forth, but your father we will call "the beardless carle., I think that thy father the beardless carle must have given it.. American soldiers and Peace Officers didn't even adopt the custom until around the American Revolution, if not after. there are a lot of reasons for that. forgot When I was in the Marines in the late 1960's, black Marines were allowed "Afros" while the rest of us had crew cuts with white sidewalls. Njall was beardless, in fact, in the story. Because the 2017 directive is technically applicable to all religions, final judgement is often left to individual leadership to discern authentic exemption request from insincere. In fact, we do not pray or worship per say the sir, synjur, Vanir, Jtnar, Arir, Kindir, or Kynja. He was a big man and strong, fair to look on, and had a great beard. "In observance of your Heathen, Norse Pagan faith, you may wear a beard, in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards for soldiers with approved religious accommodations," the . The appearance of advertisements on this website does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Defense or the Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps or Coast Guard of products or services advertised. I, as a Trans Soldier, 100% agree with you. The Basics Introduction to Norse Heathenry The History of Norse Heathenry Our Sources Practice Formats Powers & Entities Deities Spirits Ancestors Cosmology Creation Yggdrasil The Worlds* The Norns The wonderful thing about the Norse and many other pagan Sect's is there's very little centralized DOGMA and cast in stone rules on how each person must adhere . 1st Class Benjamin Hopper a member of the Nevada National Guard, religious accommodation to Army Regulation 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms. Maybe you try to do a 5K but get gassed only 1K in and you feel like you're not as fit as you used to be. Thrond was a big man of growth, and red haired he was, and red bearded. A physical description of someone who had a beard. This Icelandic saga not only encompasses all the fundamental and essential Norse values that form the basis of Forn Sir, but the saga has also established the foundation of Icelandic culture for the past millennium. In order for religious beliefs to qualify as a religious belief under Title VII, an employee must believe that: The practice is required by his religion or mandated by his religious community and cannot be modified even if the result is discipline from their employer. Should pagans be allowed to wear a beard in the workplace? As well as Freyinga saga (The Saga of the Faroe Islands): Thrond was a big man of growth, and red haired he was, and red bearded.. if(ffid == 2){ There is no mention of any Heathen practice in the document. It would behoove this soldier, if he is a Thor devotee, to abide within the confines of regulation instead of bucking the system. But those rules have evolved with warfare. As we all know paganism is very diverse and some studies look at paganism as a whole. Not so much. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! But accommodating beliefs can also be downright dangerous: religious families claiming exemptions from standard vaccinations have put entire communities at risk in recent years. It is sometimes pointed out that there have been cases in the US military whereby Heathens have been allowed to wear beards. Some Say Yes. In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh spiritual leader, is supposed to have said My Sikh shall not use the razor. Thor is worshipped, honored and believed in today as he has always been by Germanic people of old and by modern decendants of those people. A man known for his physical prowess, his masculine virtue, and of course, his beard. A notable exception is Loki (Mischief, lies). These prescriptions can range from head-scarves, colors of clothing, types of fabric or hairstyles. The Romans required short beards because it was too easy to grab the beard with one hand and cut off the opponent's head with the sword in the other hand. She asks, is it the beardless carle?, Why doesn't he make them cart dung over his beard that he may be like other men? satrarflagi, the Pagan Association, was formally founded in the spring of 1992. 1st Class Benjamin Hopper, a 34-year-old Alabama native and member of the Nevada Army Guard's 3665th Ordnance Company, was granted the waiver . The idea that the Old Norse had large and wild beards was invented for stages and in national anthems about 150 years ago. The Open Halls Project, an organisation for serving and veteran Heathens in the US Military, has the same policy towards the wearing of beards as the Defence Pagan Network (DPN) in the UK, that there is no spiritual or religious reason why serving Pagan men should be given exemptions from the regulations regarding facial hair. As a community, we need to continue to support the right for pagans to receive religious accommodations so they can practice their faith and have free access to good jobs. No checks, please. Your guess is as good as mine. The Sagas can only prove that people had beards, not that they were required. Some look at a subset of paganism such as Wicca, Norse, or Neo-paganism. Many religious groups require men to grow a beard, including Muslims and Orthodox Jews. Forn Sir(Old Customs) is very different from Abrahamic religions or faiths. The names for all intents and purposes mean the same thing.pagani, latin for country dweller, and heathens live out on the wild heath. Ie folk with a simple earthy country religion, not the cool new urban religion they have in the cities. All products and services advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. But the fact is, in Heathenry, we always have hope that's beyond what people can buy. Why? Hmmmm, after watching history channels Vikings and seeing Ragnar get utterly destroyed in straight up battles with the French, I'm shaving my beard and wearing my beret backwards. Whether to abide by confines of regulation vs. honor Thor in a way you feel called to do, even though Thor doesn't require it. we live in a society where trans people are discriminated against in the military and special accomidations are made for people with imaginary friends. or redistributed. When they heard he was dead for sooth, all the warriors wept, as was meet. var ffid = 2; "; a rather intolerant statement. It is simply too bad that in the 70's the Air force believed in only three religions and enforced their beliefs upon everyone. It has been argued that the fact that Loki is often portrayed as being the only male deity without a beard in the Norse pantheon is another argument in favour of beard wearing. I recently saw an article about some Norse-Pagan US Army soldiers being allowed to keep their beards due to their religion. Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links to products and is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Tamed Wild, among others. Some of these challenges come from outside your pagan circles such as family and friends. As for Muslims, they are monotheistic, which makes them a sister faith to Judeo-Christianity. Beard balm is nice. Our military needs to be wary of all forms of mental illness. The Asatru Community will not send a letter to an employer, stating that a beard is a religious tenant or requirement for a follower of Asatru. Him,thatchurl,thebeardlesscarle.Physicaldescription. The followers of Christianity are encouraged to emulate their God. = 'block'; In addition, Section 19/25-30 uses beards as a point of reference for an offense, causing a scar on the face between hat and beard, resulting in specific penalties, half a mark in silver or a mark in silver if the scar is very noticeable. Yay!!! You are right. Lokialso happens to be the only Norse god without a beard. Heathenry Essentials Study Chat Third Saturday. He has adopted the particular religious belief of his own free will and not because of pressure from someone else. I respect those who risk their lives for our country and it's citizens. Some pagans might choose to grow a beard in order to express their religious identity or beliefs. Making mirth of dung beard boys, here I find a nickname for these noisome dung beard boys. -Has beard, and yet still is insulted. The TV show Vikings has characters change their hair annually. And it gives us even less of a window into its religious importance, or whether it had sacred importance at all. Norse pagans have no such requirements, although facial hair is encouraged. Philadelphia, PA 19106, In-Reach Book Donation Request (Chaplains Only), Heathenry Essential Study Chat and Social First Saturday (Public), Heathenry Essential Study Chat and Social Third Saturday (Public). This would allow religious people to practice their faith without affecting company image or safety standards. Norse Pagans, Heathens, or Asatruar are not in general all required to grow a beard There is no general religious requirement for anyone to have facial hair, nor is there any universal religious requirement for hairstyle or any personal grooming choice ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; So once just like the medieval Christian laws above this is actually a far more compelling argument for Christian servicemen to be allowed to wear a beard than it is for Pagans. For him the use of razor or shaving the chin shall be as sinful as incest.. Maj. John Troxell, the senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently insisted beards remain both a distraction and a "gimmick.". There is no excuse for obtuseness anymore with such an abundance of knowledge available these days. Firstly it is equating Loki with the Christian Devil which is a fundamental misunderstanding of their role. Many misinformed groups argue that Heathens should be allowed exemptions from dress-code rules and uniform regulations with regards to facial hair on religious grounds. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Army Gives Norse Pagan Soldier Permission to Grow Beard, Connecticut Reckons With Its Dark Past of Executing People for Witchcraft. Finally, some companies suggest allowing religious people to wear religious facial hair, but only if the beard is kept very short and trimmed. The army's recent decision to lighten up on religious beards, turbans and hijabs is suiting one unknown Norse pagan soldier just fine. "Heathen" simply means a person who does not conform to christian norms in some way. We believe our Gods are good. He is also slender, fair to look on and has yellow hair. Raymond Whitsel, Norse Pagan Heathen, filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2014, saying that he was told to shave his religious beard or be fired from a job. More recently, some special operations soldiers serving in the Middle East have beenallowed to grow beardsso that they might better blend in with local populations. In the past, it was commonplace for religious individuals to wear beards as part of their religious attire. I've seen some beards that should be condemned as a hazard to health. Beards are not seen universally as asymbol of our religion. Incidentally the Christian God, whose followers do believe to be perfect, is also generally believed to be bearded, particularly when he takes on human form as Jesus. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',105,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1'); .large-mobile-banner-1-multi-105{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}2. 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