larry layton biography

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3 Her name was Lisa Philips and she was so beautiful that friends said she looked like Hedy Lamarr. [8] Lawton later said that he used a BB gun during the robbery. "I was driving across the bridge," she says when asked why, after all these years, she wanted to revisit the horrors of Jonestown. ''You've heard graphic details about what happenened on the airstrip,'' he said. But Lisa escaped from Hamburg, and in 1938, stunned by the antiSemitism she had seen, she arrived in New York with a determination never to reveal to anyone that she was Jewish. "[2] He was critical of Brevard County stopping letters to inmates in 2013. 'I was a fool to leave California, but then I was a fool long before that,' he said. Layton said the temple started out as a civil rights movement and he compared Jones to Martin Luther King Jr., but 'obviously things turned out differently,' he said. The robbers drew what police at the time believed were firearms, and restrained the store owner. Then, as a group of men dug the truck out of the mud, we heard a loud commotion from the pavilion. Charismatic and tall with salt-and-pepper hair, he commanded a room. They reported the car's license plate, which linked the car to Lawton. ", "I thought, what a waste. A growing body of constituents known as the Concerned Relatives wrote Congressman Ryan with increasing alarm about their daughters or sons who had accompanied the charismatic demagogue to Guyana. While he was never charged with shooting Mr. Ryan, the Government contended that Mr. Layton conspired with Mr. Jones and other cult members to kill the Congressman and others in his group to prevent them from returning to the United States with negative reports about Jonestown. Inquisitive by nature, he was a proponent of experiential legislating, preferring to go out and experience issues firsthand before he decided what to do. [26] He was incarcerated in many prisons during his sentence, which included Jesup in Georgia, Riker's Island in New York, Edgefield in South Carolina, and Yazoo City in Mississippi. They were cal culated to make you feel someone has to pay. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, about a dozen men leapt from the tractor, leveled their automatic weapons, and fast approached. Debbie stood in line to drink the red liquid that she was told would kill her in a matter of minutes. When people refer to the Jonestown massacre as a mass suicide, I am enraged. She arrived in London at 16, was met by some cousins and got what she would later call the biggest surprise of her life: I discovered that I was Jewish.. Monica confirmed that she wanted to leave. After graduating from the University of California campus at Davis in 1968 with a degree in social science, Layton and his wife moved to the Ukiah area and soon met up with the temple. It was a mass murder. Somehow, through the encroaching darkness of my final thoughts, I saw my 87-year-old Grandma Emma. By all accounts, Layton was on a small plane about to leave Jonestown when the plot to kill Ryan was set in motion. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. While the tathiiy was unique in its deep involvment with Mr. Jones, the story of the Laytons tells a great deal about why and how hundreds of other families became tangled in his persuasive web of religion mixed with social activism. I was beaten once a month. He spent 12 years in prison, and once released, began a career as a motivational speaker, life coach, and author. [11] He then began robbing jewelry stores along the Atlantic Coast,[3] using his contacts within the Gambino crime family to fence the stolen merchandise. Larry Layton, who posed as a defector, was captured after badly wounding two people inside a plane trying to take off. Port Royal Speedway hosts a weekly schedule of local Sprint Car, Late Model, and Pro-Stock dirt track racing, and is nicknamed "The Speed Palace".Several national touring series organizations visit the track during the racing season, including the World of Outlaws . Larry Layton, Quaker and pacifist, entered the Peoples Temple in 1968 to join the march to social justice as charted by the temple's mesmerizing leader, the Rev. [15] The robbers took $480,000 ($910,600.81 in 2022)[17] worth of gold and diamonds making it the biggest robbery in the city's history. I would never have left Jonestown with Congressman Ryan. Perhaps death is better than this.". [6], Lawton was born in North Hempstead, New York on October 3, 1961. How could I not like the good things they were doing?. She carne back from that meeting in a state of shock, as if she had seen a ghost, her husband recalled. He. A former high school teacher, he was swept into politics by the idealism of the Kennedy era and elected mayor of South San Francisco before running for state Assembly. At the end of the evening, Rep. Ryan walked onstage and thanked the group. Larry Layton, a former member of the People's Temple, broke into tears today at his trial on charges of conspiring to commit murder as his attorney told jurors not to make him a scapegoat ''for the horror of Jonestown.''. Last year, Mrs. Layton became ill, and the diagnosis was what she feared most cancer. Anyone can read what you share. A few Temple members stood in front of a rusty dump truck waiting to shuttle us to the compound. I heard screams and the rapid pounding of gunfire. Ive shared my Guyana story countless times, but its still a challenge to go back and relive those days. Her childhood playmates included cousins and friends from some of the bestknown families of Germany's Jewish aristocracy, such as the Berensons and Rothschilds. He said that some of the recipients could be innocent. We landed in Georgetown, Guyanas capital, on November 14, 1978. They had passed. Ryan wanted to investigate. He said the accusation probably been inspired by Mr. Jones as part of a systematic effort to break up families in the church. [26] Lawton does not hold a degree in child psychology or criminology. As a temple member, Mrs. Layton separated from her husband and was said to have contributed $250,000 in family assets to the cult. Nearly 300 children were administered the poison, including a number of infants in the arms of their parents. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. At one point, Congressman Ryan interrupted our tour to make sure that the press and Concerned Relatives had been given the transportation to join us. Sam was certain Jones had something to do with his sons death. She got on the plane, leaving her mother behind. That was the last moment I remember with any real clarity before I surrendered my body to the medical staff. [10] He also founded the Reality Check program which aims to show teens the consequences of a criminal life. Many hours before the plane came, somehow, word filtered in that after Jones had released his death squad to the airstrip, he had led more than 900 of his flock into his White Night of death. It looked staged. Hurrying out of bed, Layton would race toward Jones "in my mud-caked boots, past the tin-roofed cabins, past the wooden outdoor showers where we're allowed our two-minute wash at the end of our 11-hour days in the field." After spending 18 years in Guyana jails and U.S. federal prisons, Larry Layton, the only man convicted on criminal charges arising from the events of November 18, 1978, was released in April 2002. [8] In 1983, having earned his GED, he left the Coast Guard and began engaging in criminal activity, mostly loan sharking and bookmaking. Mrs. Layton's daughter, Deborah, joined the cult five years ago. As soon as it became clear that we would be bringing more than one or two defectors home with us, the communal faade cracked. [23][34], However, the superintendent of student services at Brevard Public Schools declined to use the program, and questioned its effectiveness, claiming that "[w]hile the program is well-organized and well-intentioned, it does not follow the scientific evidence-based research guidelines. He had engineered complete authoritycollecting members Social Security and disability checks, and determining when and how his disciples could communicate with their families. His following grew, and Jones became the leader of one of the first mixed-race churches in Indiana. The article dissected Joness rise, revealing his practices of manipulation, public humiliation and fake faith healings, called out the Temples corrupt financial structure, and included ex-members testimonies of sexual assault and brutal beatings by Jones or at his command. Answer (1 of 2): Above: Jonestown Before The Massacre Larry Layton was the only "armed guard" at Jonestown at the time of the massacre to outlive November 18, 1978, when all but a few dozen of the roughly 1,000 residents of Jonestown perished. Within minutes, Ryan and four others were shot dead. [44] Lawton has a YouTube channel, and he has made videos analyzing heists in movies and video games such as Grand Theft Auto V; he also plays Prison Architect.[44][45]. After Jones moved to Jonestown, and with Layton still in California, Layton's sister, a power in the hierarchy of the temple, defected and began to tell of atrocities at the jungle agricultural project. Larry Layton was the only person prosecuted for any of the events in and around Jonestown. I couldnt bear the vision of her sitting in front of my casket. Jones, who demanded that his flock call him Father, was one of the most politically powerful people in San Francisco, wined and dined by such luminaries as Rosalynn Carter, Assemblyman Willie Brown, Mayor George Moscone and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally. Others, who presumably refused to drink the Kool-Aida flippant, misguided phrase I very much wish could be scrubbed from our lexiconwere injected with cyanide and other poisons. To access these PDF files you must have the free Adobe Reader installed. But the moment I looked down at my own body is locked in my mind. All of those children. Dr. Layton had learned of his wife's religious background after they were married, but the couple had agreed not to tell anyone, especially their children. It was to be the secret of her life. He attended Berkeley High School and was the editor of a campus newspaper called The Liberal. At 16, Im not sure I understood what a state assemblyman did, but when my parents received a solicitation from Leo Ryans reelection campaign in 1966, I mailed back a note: Im in high school. Later that night, Jones had another suicide exercise. By the following year, Jones was making a reputation for himself in. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. I was feet away from Jones, close enough to hear him trying to convince people to change their minds. She used a telephone in the radio shack to call her sister in California, who arranged to have an airline ticket waiting for her at the airport in Georgetown, Guyana. When people refer to the Jonestown massacre as a mass suicide, I am enraged. And then I realized that confirming one tiny detail could mean that the worst of the testimonies were true. I was 28, lying on a dusty airplane runway in the Guyanese jungle, and dying. And he assigned two of his staff members to come along: Jim Schollaert and me. Jim Jones led 912 followers in a ritual of murders and suicides. Onboard, every bump we hit shot an arrow of pain through my body. By the time I returned, more than 900 people died. Elin Cederroos: Ocean Resort Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. In Ukiah, Layton's free will was already beginning to slip away, according to his lawyers. An eyewitness who escaped described how people who did not cooperate were injected with poison where they sat, or were held down and injected with poison.. Education: Attended college in the area of San Francisco, CA. I wanted to be part of something that was doing things for other people, and besides, Peoples Temple offered a community of friends. It was impossible to cope with the pain. I barely got a wink of sleep. With the camp surrounded by his armed guards, he told his followers to give the medicinegrape FlavorAid and Kool-Aid laced with cyanide and tranquilizersto the children and the elderly first. I dont have any money to donate, but Id like to volunteer. I admired Ryans worthy missions, but questioned if I shared his bottomless capacity to bear witness. Her life appears to be light-years from Peoples Temple. Deborah Layton is now 45, lives in an elegant house in Piedmont and takes her 12-year-old daughter to play in soccer games. Layton complied, and Jones took Carolyn as his mistress. well, it wasn't there. Larry Layton Net Worth is $14 Million. In a cabin with about six women from the Temple, I took a top bunk, sweating as a downpour opened up outside. [15][18], In 1996, there was a robbery of a jeweler in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania. As I scanned the hundreds of smiling faces, I never could have fathomed that within 24 hours, virtually every one of them would be dead. Lisa Layton's youngest son, Larry, is now under arrest in Guyana, accused of murdering Representative Leo J. Ryan and four other persons in the attack that eventually led Mr. Jones to order the mass deaths. To go back to the gunshots. Layton's mother, Lisa, had died of cancer 10 days before the mass suicide. #3 Journalists and Defector Killed Mr. Layton was the only person charged in the United States with criminal acts arising from the events of Nov. 18, 1978, when Mr. Ryan and a group of journalists and relatives of other cult members were ambushed at the Port Kaituma airstrip in the jungle near Jonestown. Religion: "Raised as a Quaker." Hobbies and other interests: Theater, music, painting, gardening. I would be in the first group; Congressman Ryan insisted that he stay behind to make certain that every person who wanted to leave made it to Port Kaituma safely. Earlier, United States Attorney Joseph P. Russoniello asked Judge Peckham to sentence the 40-year-old defendant to life in prison, serving a minimum of 20 years before being considered for parole. Later, after being barred from the university as a Jew, Lisa took training as physical therapist, which was permitted by the Nazis. Extradited to the U.S. after a Guyana jury found him not guilty of murder, Larry was tried twice on four charges related to the shootings, including Conspiracy to Kill a Congressman. The outfits were a ridiculous gimmick, and the role was clearly objectifying. 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The morning after our arrival, Congressman Ryan, Jim Schollaert and I attended a closed-door briefing by Ambassador John Burke and his staff at the U.S. Embassy. He has appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Christian Broadcasting Network, and Fox News. [10] He was sentenced for racketeering and robbery and spent 11 years in prison before being released in 2007. | California Historical Society. But when Larry Layton was growing up in the 1920's, the land was not worth much. [16] Then in October 1994, four individuals robbed a jewelry store in Palm Bay, Florida. Jones responded by telling them that if any actions were taken to remove John, the entire Jonestown population would commit suicide. It was just a matter of time. Larry Layton, a former member of the People's Temple cult, was sentenced today to life in prison for aiding and abetting in the murder of Representative Leo J. Ryan at a jungle airstrip in Guyana in November 1978. The bodies of Jones and 912 cult followers lay sprawled under the tropical trees of the commune, victims of an incredible murder-suicide rite. Three witnesses appeared on Larrys behalf before a parole hearing at the federal prison at Lompoc, California, including attorney Frank Bell and Loren Buddress, the former Chief Probation Office for the Northern District of California. Subsequently, he said, she urged him to have an affair. In the summer of 1977, after an expose of Peoples Temple in New West magazine, Jones and his followers fled to Guyana. Lawton was critical of the move, saying that "[c]hain gangs send a bad message about [the US]." Closing the Book on Case. "The reason I did well," Layton says now, "is that I'm a little soldier and I follow orders so well.". Youll see what a wonderful place it is. He took us on a tour highlighting the most favorable aspects of the commune. See the article in its original context from. Like all of the tracks in the United States, it closed during the World War II years (1941-1945) and re-opened in 1946. [35][36] It also hosts an annual bowling tournament. Family Tragedy: Hitler's Germany to Jones's Cult, After her operation, Mrs. Layton moved to Guyana. It was an implausible ending for the fiery preacher, who had curried favor among the fashionable elite of the Democratic Party. Jim Jones with a group of children living at Jonestown, circa 1978. Its leader, the Rev. He said the trial was not the place to examine the deaths of 913 people at the cult's settlement in Jonestown, Guyana. I was one of Larry's lead lawyers in his first U.S. trial in 1981, which resulted in an 11 to 1 vote for acquittal on faulty charges of conspiracy to kill the congressman. She managed to contact her sister in Davis, who wired a ticket to Georgetown, where Layton and other Temple members were staying in a house the Temple owned. Jones wove his way through the camp, repeating that he wasnt upset that they wanted to leave; it was just that they were doing it in the wrong way. And, I thought of them like Mormons. Larry Layton was convicted in 1986 by a federal jury in San Francisco of conspiring in the 1978 murder of California congressman Leo Ryan and aiding and abetting in the attempted murder of. Secretly, she offered her mother a glass of the wine. Dr. Layton was from a world substantially different from the aristocratic one of his bride. Mini Biography. Mr. Tamburello accused prosecutors of going too far in describing the ambush on the Ryan party, which went to Guyana to investigate assertions that some members of the cult were being mistreated and were being held in Guyana against their wills. Asserting that the Government wanted to make Mr. Layton a scapegoat for the Jonestown massacre, he said, ''From the State Department point of view, from the U.S. Embassy point of view, the whole matter would be easily resolved if you blamed Larry Layton.'' Jones became enamoured with Carolyn Layton and told Larry he wanted her for his own. Bodies lay crumpled on the tarmac around me. That same year, Congressman Ryan read a newspaper article about a constituent of his named Sam Houston, whose son had been a member of Jim Jones Peoples Temple and, in 1976, died under suspicious circumstances after having a phone conversation in which he confessed to wanting to leave the group. But I was one of very few women who held senior staff positions in Congress at the time, and I was concerned that if I gave in to my reluctance and let a male colleague go in my place, Id be setting back women in politics. | AP. It was a message that appealed to the dispossessed, which is why it made sense for the Peoples Temple to relocate to San Francisco around 1972. The land later became the site of a large Union Carbide plant. I hope tonight is the last one. Mrs. Layton got a large share of the proceeds, as well as money from the sale of stock they had owned Jointly; this also was given to the cult. But, as interviews last week with family members and friends revealed, the Laytons slowly disintegrated under the pressures of family conflict, the disillusionment that gripped much of America during the 1960's, drug use, and the soothing, simplistic appeal of Mr. Jones. Dont know why youre here, but were happy to have you, Jones said. His mother and father were cousins who had lived on adjoining estates, and in earlier generations the family's land, worked by slaves, had been prosperous. Her marriage was ruptured by Mr. Jopes even before it could be consummated. Though driven by the kind of underlying insecurity that so often fuels tyrants, Jones appeared to offer hope, redemption, and an idealistic new life. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Nearly 300 children were administered the poison with no comprehension of what it meant, including a number of infants in the arms of their parents. [32] By 2010, Lawton had shipped 10,000 DVDs across the country. Layton did so. Almost immediately, Jones ordered Layton to Jonestown. I was an orphan and my grandfather didn't let me forget it; he wanted me to work hard; he didn't want to ruin me with praise; I was supposed to be humble. (It was the 60s.) The "Greeting Committee" promptly confiscated all their clothes and belongings and, most important, their passports. ", Looking back on it 20 years later, she says, "I put everything in denial and locked it down. | AP. I grew up with the Bible and the Puritan work ethic, he recalled in an interview. -- the signal that meant an attack was imminent, an excuse for conducting a suicide drill. ''The story of Jonestown is really the story of a world gone mad. Mr. Jones, Deborah said, callously gave Mrs. Layton that news. Be the first to contribute! [1][2], In 2007, he started the Reality Check Program to help educate at-risk youths on the consequences of breaking the law. A bone shot out of my right arm, and a huge hunk of flesh had been blown off my thigh. Don hung back for a moment before approaching Congressman Ryan and me at the picnic table and surreptitiously passing along the note. Dr. Layton was from a world substantially different from the aristocratic one of his bride. Ten years later the road came to a dead end in the jungles of Guyana. Jonestown was the agricultural compound Jones' followers carved out of the Guyanese jungle, 150 miles northwest of the nation's capital, Georgetown. It was utter pandemonium. Join me, he assured his followers, and youll get health care, education and a family that would never mistreat you. By Robert Lindsey Special to The New York Times. Dr. Layton was perplexed by his wife's behavior but began sleeping beside her on the floor. A year later, I applied to college, and he wrote me a letter of recommendation. His father was a research scientist. "I was ready to be overwhelmed by emotion," she says, "but when we got into the area, it just wasn't there. When Deborah came home from school in England in 1971, she brought a boyfriend, George Philip Blakey, a fellow Quaker and the son of a welltodo farming family in Northumberland. But I refused to spend the rest of my life as a victim of Guyanathere were too many of them. He was not paroled from an American prison until 2002. The first trial ended in a hung jury. But Layton, saying he wishes he could ease the pain. Larry Layton: Survivor of the Peoples Temple Larry Layton, Quaker and pacifist, entered the Peoples Temple in 1968 to join the march to social justice as charted by the temple's mesmerizing. After she left, he discovered that she had given a number of family valuables to the People's Temple. Ryan joined us for the trekone of roughly two dozen of us crammed in the bed of the truck, with dozens of would-be defectors left behind, belongings packed, waiting to escape. Mr. Layton's first trial ended in a mistrial on Sept. 26, 1981, when the jury was unable to reach a verdict on any of the counts. The accusation probably been inspired by Mr. Jones, Deborah, joined the cult 's settlement Jonestown... And locked it down the evening, Rep. Ryan walked onstage and thanked the group free will already! Shot an arrow of pain through my body trying to take off moment I looked down at my own is. All their clothes and belongings and, most important, their passports, Ryan and me at the table. 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