how old is tommy canonically in the dream smp

At times, he hallucinated and saw visions of Tubbo, which only him and Ghostbur seemed able to see. Dream's trident. Puffy created a therapy building, to assist Tommy and others on the server. . At first, Quackity excused Tommy as a person disguising as Tommy and told him to get out, at which Tommy reveals that it was actually him. Ghostbur followed the two. However, this relationship was soured when instead of endorsing POG2020, Schlatt decided to run as his own party, Schlatt2020, and was pushed far into the negative after Schlatt won the election and exiled Tommy and Wilbur from L'Manberg. [122] He stated that he "didn't have much time left," mirroring the way he would often speak in the later stages of his exile. Tommy told Sam to leave the hotel, and live his life freely. He convinced Jack Manifold to join L'Manberg and helped Wilbur build a park and the Pufferfish Alleyway. Philza comforts Tommy when he starts breaking down about his trauma with Dream, reassuring him of his self worth and stregnth. [109] However, his building skills being too subpar, he commissioned Sam to build it for him by paying him 32 diamonds he begged off Ph1LzA. The date of the war arrived on November 16, 2020. Tommy was involved in a major conflict after he relocated Henry to The Eiffel Tower to protect him. Was obtained from Sam Nook during the construction of the Big Innit Hotel. We got me back. Disgusted, both Tommy and Puffy lent Sam food, taking away his flesh. Tommy and Bad have had a complicated history, as Bad does not like the fact that Tommy constantly swears, which leads to Tommy pestering him with swears and inappropriate jokes. The uniform consisted of a blue blazer, red waist sash, white dress shirt, cream breeches, tall black boots, and a black-and-white tricorn hat. Despite the two having seldom spoken to each other, they are very sarcastic to each other. After Antfrost and the members of the Eggpire heard that Tommy died, Antfrost and the others celebrated his death in his house when Puffy came and kicked them out. [130] It later got blown up by Dream. Please don't do this, you don't have to blow this all upWilbur, this is our home and we can take it back, man. [73] When he first joined the server, he threatened to not follow the rules of the SMP, causing him to be banished to a remote area. Nervous about the event, Ghostbur asked Tommy if he wanted Wilbur back, to which Tommy only responded that Ghostbur was "poggers" and Wilbur wasn't. [166] Eventually, wanting to protect his country and not start further conflict with Dream, Tubbo chose to exile Tommy, leaving a lasting dent in their relationship. [27] After spending time with Dream and Ghostbur, he voiced that all he wanted was to be with civilizationto just socialize and experience the joys of life. Later, when Wilbur and Quackity were fighting over his loyalty in Las Nevadas, Tommy chose Wilbur. Sam requested Tommy's help in testing the Egg's blast resistance and Tommy agreed. Dream and Tommy are enemies, and have arguably the worst relationship on the server. Tommy somewhat likes and dislikes the members of the Eggpire. Ranboo then privately assured Tommy that he would stick by his side and tried to comfort Tommy while his exile was being decided. Alright? The melody will be over. Right after Wilbur's resurrection, Ranboo sounded angry at Tommy,[157] but he later clarified that he didn't blame Tommy for the fact that Wilbur had returned. Connor then mentions that he made a diary, which he gives to Tommy. Tommy asked how Dream's life had been inside the prison and he responded how bland his life was as he kept sleeping, writing books, swimming in a one block hole and how he had been eating raw potatoes and how sorry he was for all he had done. ", "No one cares, do they?! Couldnt you have just done it to me?, "We might not be L'Manberg anymore, but we are still together. After being allowed back in, he walked around the server and started claiming every building as his own before he built his base. He was upset when Tommy was exiled anyways and visited him once with Niki. Tommy's self-esteem was extremely low likely due to the abuse he had endured, resulting in him finding it hard to believe that Tubbo would ever visit him. Tommy noticed this behavior, but didn't peg it to him constantly annoying Jack, and told Sam that he did not trust him. After Sam Nook requested that Tommy needed to have his hotel advertised, he traveled to Techno's cabin to deliver an invitation. Chapter 3: Tommy meet Urania . He discovered who his true allies were and continued to fight for them. Tommy berated Dream about how he acted towards him, pretending to be his best friend and all the bad things he had done, and Dream told Tommy that he didn't care if the people hated him now as he was in jail and he would serve his time, hoping that Tommy would forgive him once he had served his time. If you actually try to calculate it, the last I saw was Tommy is 24, and Wilbur is 40, but I didn't see anyone else on said accurate list except for Niki, who was 28. [168] Tommy even hallucinated Tubbo appearing in Logstedshire multiple times, proving how much he missed him. [39] However, Tommy would consistently insist that these gifts were out of pity and not genuine friendship. In this Minecraft reaction video, I react to KianKSG's: "Technoblade is Canonically a Child on the Dream SMP." Technoblade is one of my favorite content cr. Icon by @annbytheway The sequel, How to Sex 3, was being written during his exile and was shown to Quackity on December 14, 2020,[125] but not much is known of it now. Tommy was planning to leave and visit Dream for the final time to have the closure. Tommy is still stubbornly loyal to what he believes in and the people he trusts, no matter how much things change. Blown up by Project Early Dawn nuke on November 13, 2022. Despite most of the server allied with Tommy against Dream, many people were planning to kill Tommy for their own benefit. Blocks is important to Tommy because he played the disc with Jschlatt on his first day. Tommy was verbally annoyed with Technoblade, blaming Techno for L'Manberg's destruction more than Wilbur, and even trying to somehow pin the blame for his exile on Technoblade. The two began working together to destroy Ponk's lemon tree. This traumatic loss only furthered Tommy's fear and apprehension of Dream. After hearing Dream's threat, Fundy supported Tommy's idea of fighting Dream by forming an army with Technoblade and the citizens against Dream, then turning on Techno. He programmed Sam Nook to protect any of Tommy's friends(specifically Tubbo)and Tommy at presumably any cost. Tommy at first didn't seem to like HBomb much, partially due to not knowing much about him, and partially due to HBomb's jokes about dating his mother. Though after his visit with Dream and taking his final canon life then going to the Afterlife, it seems that he's grown fear towards the prison and the slightest thing that hurts him, due to him being punched to death by Dream in the prison. Tommy's exile was canonically 5 years, he's canonically 16 now. Tommy questions Dream before he leaves on who he misses the most and Dream responds with nothing and then proceeded to be questioned by Tommy he decides to call the guard, Sam. Tommy fled to Philza for protection, but this only caused Dream to move to more indirect methods of mental torment, such as trapping Tommy's house and leaving threatening signs. If anyone else shows up the discs are gone forever." Tommy has also mentioned wanting to write How to Sex 4. The meeting ended up being a battle between the three of them. The finale of a TV show almost always generates many views, and that holds true with Twitch viewership for big reveals and community events, such as the Dream SMP. Techno, satisfied with the results, left, and Tommy then told everyone who supported New L'Manberg to head to the L'Mantree. On April 29, 2021, Tommy schemed with Ranboo and Tubbo to break into the prison and kill Dream behind Sam's back. This all culminated when the final plan went into action. After Tommy faces Dream as they're trapped in a prison cell, Dream seems to beat Tommyinnit until he is dead. He experienced extreme PTSD as he said "F*CK YOU" several times to the piglins, referencing his remembrance of how Dream killed him.[71]. After Tommy betrayed Technoblade on January 5, Phil expressed that he would still fight alongside Technoblade, and tore down Tommy's cobblestone tower, finalizing that the two of them were now on opposite sides. Upset at the sight of the ruins of L'Manberg on January 7, 2021, Tommy told himself that he had to continue moving forth, or else all of the effort he had placed into the country that exiled him twice would go to waste. After the eye of the storm, Tommy had to promise himself that he would fix things. ", "Wilbur, look at me, look at me. When finding out about this, Quackity was relieved. Just as Tubbo prepared to do so, Tommy interrupted them. He also tends to be confident in himself and his own abilities. Because that's how you lose." Wilbur's former right-hand man and a Hot-Blooded youth who is just as important to L'Manburg's founding as its first leader. Tommy continued to call Technoblade "selfish," but after Technoblade killed Tubbo for being the president, and when Tommy told him that he had killed Tubbo when he wasn't the president, he told Tommy that back at Tubbo's execution, both him and Wilbur hadn't stepped forward to save Tubbo as Technoblade was being peer pressured, instead watching. When Tommy saw Sam again, he was furious at him for not being able to save him in time and not letting him out when he begged, claimed he would sue Sam for keeping him in the prison for over a week. - Twitter - htt. Nevertheless, Tommy and Techno continued their secret trips to L'Manberg and terrorized citizens in order to regain Techno's items. I'm worse than everyone I didn't wanna be. Tommy's perception of other members was further fractured after their failure to attend his beach party. As of 5 September 2022, his seven . After Tommy got out of the prison, he found Jack at the Big Innit Hotel, Jack states that he grieved for Tommy and that Tommy wasn't real. Following the breakout, Sapnap found Tommy talking to himself and asked if he was okay. When Sam rejected his request, Dream killed Ghostbur and resurrected Wilbur. During Dream's prison breakout, Sapnap stuck close to Tommy and acted very protective of him, comforting him and assuring him that he would keep Dream away from him. After reading his diary Connor moves back into Ninja's house, with Tommy taking back his home. After Fundy painted a negative perception of Punz during, Purpled and Tommy never really got along, especially after, Despite once being on opposing sides of a rebellion, Quackity and Tommy now have a positive relationship. The two didn't get along well on Lazar's first day on the SMP with Tommy fighting to take Vikkstar. At first, many members of the server visited Tommy in Logstedshire and left gifts. Instead, he tried to get Dream to swear that he would never resurrect Wilbur. However, at first he blamed the burning of George's house on her, causing both sides to be unsure whether they still trust each other. After Tommy refused, Sam Nook told Tommy that Awesamdude was not okay and wanted more payment to continue building the hotel. Due to his time spent in the Afterlife, he is approximately three months older mentally. Tommy's exile was when his mental health came most prominently into question. Efficiency V, Fortune III, Mending, Unbreaking III. Technoblade ended the conversation by telling Tommy that he would have nothing against him for being a hero only if he was to die like one. He disapproved of Tubbo and Ranboo's marriage because he felt that Tubbo was trying to replace him, and therefore made arguments that Ranboo was manipulative towards Tubbo. In the Afterlife, Tommy seemed a bit annoyed by Mexican Dream's constant loud presence, but it seems their relationship remained roughly the same. However, he became involved in conflict that resulted in a struggle against Dream to reclaim his discs and the Railway Skirmish.[24]. He had been gifted two of these discs by. Tommy pretended to be the llama while speaking to Ranboo and Connor while he himself was invisible. Tommy was actively disgusted by the Egg and the redness of the Egg. Ponk and Sam gave him the resources required and Tommy upgraded his armor to netherite. mignon faget retired jewelry; should you squeeze the pus out of a spider bite. Tubbo decided to give a sentence of two weeks of probation, though Dream was unsatisfied and wanted Tommy to be exiled. Tommy then proceeded to throw his items in a chest, being given a unique lock or key via a book, and placed his key inside his ender chest. Dream SMP (22) Minecraft (Video Game) (18) Video Blogging RPF (12) Tommy ended up losing, but gave Dream both of his prized music discs, 'Cat' and 'Mellohi,' in order to secure independence for L'Manberg.[22]. Tommy and Ranboo tried to rescue Henry, building a steep and narrow staircase from the bottom of the bunker up to the surface. However, after an argument about the Revival Book not being real, it led to Dream killing Tommy, taking his final canon life. Language: English Words: 1,356 Chapters: 1/1 Whilst the other two discussed Wilbur's resurection, Tommy lowered himself from the balcony using a water bucket. Foolish won it while gambling the next day.[137]. Everything. A lot of . ", "I'm worse than everyone I hated. Tommy told Sapnap that he did not have to accept his request, but he would greatly appreciate it. There is not much known about Tommy's Knife other than he created it for protection and dominance over others. However, Tommy later attempted to save Lazar from lava, and in return, Lazar gifted Tommy a fire-resistant potion and a brand new disc. He openly said that he was aware Dream had been manipulating him during his time in Logstedshire, yet couldn't help but want to come back to him. He also shows many symptoms of C-PSTD. Tommy then killed Dream twice before Dream started begging for his life by saying that he could bring others back to life. While alive, he killed Ranboo with his spit, causing many fans to joke at the time that it had been a canon death, but this has been debunked. The llama was killed by Technoblade's dog. Jack complains about continuously being belittled by him, and that Jack had also died and gone to the afterlife but nobody mourned him. During the 14 hours exposed to the Egg, Sam was forced to give up all of his items in his inventory, as well as his armor. After a week of being trapped in prison, Tommy started making fun of Dream and told him that he had seen Jschlatt's grave. On January 15, it was shown that Ranboo had it, after being given it by Dream who obtained it from Skeppy before the Green Festival and told to keep it safe. When Tommy was attempting to "get over" his trauma before breaking into the prison to kill Dream, Eret allowed Tommy to use their replica of the Final Control Room inside their museum. It is believed to either have despawned or destroyed by the explosions of the war. [116] Due to the time dilation of the afterlife, he experienced about one month and eighteen days at least in the void, during which he bickered and mainly talked to Wilbur (as Schlatt slept quite a lot). Pretty sure that's not canon because it would make Tommy's character all the more tragic. 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